Date of trip: 04/05/2019
Start time: 10:00 am to 01:00 pm Eastern Time
Location: Located in Pulaski County on Ocala Road, across from the Hazeldell Church
Difficulty of hike: Easy
Length of hike: 1.5 miles
The hike is easy, but some of the hike will be off-trail.
Join Dr. Krupa at Hazeldell Meadow Nature Preserve and hear all about his latest studies of Kentucky’s rarest carnivorous plant, the dwarf sundew, (Drosera brevifolia). He has been studying this plant and its fascinating habitat for over 13 years! We will also learn about other associated species, such as spiders and other interesting plants. Tara Littlefield (botanist at the office of Kentucky Nature Preserves) will also be there to answer any rarity, natural community or floristic questions, as well as John Burnett (Pulaski County Conservation District Land Manager). Plus, you will learn how you can help in ongoing efforts to protect rare species and communities at Hazeldell through assisting with monitoring, management and restoration projects at Hazeldell Meadow Nature Preserve.
Registration: This field trip was limited to 10 people and is now full. Sorry.