Prairies and Forests of Shaker Village
of Pleasant Hill

Date of trip: 06/22/2019
Start time: 10:00 am to 01:00 pm Eastern Time
Location: Shaker Village of Pleasant Hill, 3501 Lexington Rd, Harrodsburg, KY 40330
Difficulty of hike: Moderate

Length of hike: 2-3 miles

Join Laura Baird, assistant preserve manager and naturalist, on a hike to view the prairie restoration, as well as the adjacent forests at Shakertown. You will learn many prairie flowers, trees and shrubs, woodland flowers, and even some pollinators!

Directions: We’ll meet at the West Trailhead, by the Stables.
Enter on Shakertown Road off of US 68. Turn left at the entrance onto West Lot Road and drive past the pond. The road goes to a stop sign at the bottom of the hill by the creek. Turn right at the stop sign and continue over the creek, past the West Lot Dwelling. The road ends at the Stables. You’ll see a large map at the West Trailhead. You can park near it in the grass behind the Stables.

Registration: This field trip was limited to 10 people and is now full, sorry for any inconvenience.